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                    First Christian Church

Everyone believes something, this is what we believe...

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1. We believe in one true God,
Three who are One, holy, eternal, all powerful, Creator of heaven and earth and all who in them dwell.

2. We believe in God the Father,
Who reigns over all, in whose hands we are, who knows each of us by name, who knows our every thought, who loves us, who desires us to turn to Him that we might live with Him, who sent the Son to deliver us
from sin and death.

3. We believe in God the Son,
Who was with the Father before all time began, who is one with the Father, by whom all things were made, who left His glory in heaven to become one with us, conceived in the womb of the virgin through the Spirit, true God and true man, Jesus the Christ;

Who in His days among us wept for our sorrows, ministered to the poor and rejected, healed the sick and raised the dead, taught us the will of the Father;

Who for our deliverance, though innocent suffered at the hands of mankind, submitted to death on the cross, taking the guilt and punishment of all our sins upon himself that we might receive mercy and forgiveness from the Father, was buried in the tomb, and on the third day overcame death and rose again;

Who ascended back into heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father, who will return at the last day to judge the living and the dead, who will take His followers to live with Him forever in the light of the Father's presence, who will cast all others into outer darkness.

4. We believe in God the Holy Spirit,
Spirit of life and truth; Who revealed the Father's word in the Scriptures through the prophets, who is the power of the Father in the world today, by whom we are born as children of the Father, who lives within us to enlighten and guide and strengthen us, who gives gifts to man, through whom we pray and who himself intercedes for us, in whom we have unity.

5. We believe in the Bible,
God's holy Word, inspired by the Spirit, in which we learn of God, and His will, and His promises.

6. We believe that we are made in the image of God
to have fellowship with Him, that we were separated from God by our sins, that the Father in His great mercy called us to come to Him through love and faith in Jesus Christ, that in baptism we received the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit to live within us, that we live for the glory of God, in the promise of the resurrection, in life eternal.

7. We believe in one kingdom of God,
the church of Christ, composed of all people everywhere who have been born as children of the Father and who live for Him, whose
only Lord is Jesus Christ, whose only guide is the Bible, and which shall never end.

What do you believe?

You are welcome to come and talk about your beliefs and ours.